Saturday, June 14, 2014


CORD alliance leaders have declared July 7 a national holiday as they kick off countrywide tour to push the government to have a national dialogue in the country.
Speaking in Migori town to yesterday, the leaders led by Raila Odinga and Bungoma senator Moses Wetang’ula said that Kenyans should not go to work on Saba Saba day but should come out across the country in mass action.
But the constitution vest the power to declare a holiday on a minister through a gazette notice.
The two leaders said they will continue with their countrywide tours and have planned for Saba Saba day mass action unless they are offered a dialogue platform.
“We call on the Jubilee government to agree on dialogue before July 7 to offer the country a way forward to push us out of bad governance,” Raila warned.
During the tour representatives of civil society, youths, women, people with disability, clergy, business people and professionals had a chance to address the crowd.
Unlike political rallies, representatives are given a chance to air their grievances and points of dialogue to the rallies before Cord leaders are given chance to reply.
The groups attacked the Jubilee government for increased insecurity, corruption, tribalism in government job appointments and high inflation in the country which should be addressed for the country to move forward.

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