Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Uber the upcoming mode of transport in most part of Africa has recently Gotten itself in blocking situation.this is after one its staff killed And robbed customer. ..


A conductor was rescued from angry woman who attacked him In a moving Matatu the woman claimed the conductor increased fare from KSH 10 to ksh20....


JOHO DECLINES GENERAL ORDER Who is who...governor Joho has declined the call for returning firearms Saying it's more of politics and his stand in opposition..

Friday, July 4, 2014


A day after the announcement of heightened security measures on United States-bound flights, the American Embassy in Uganda said Thursday it had been warned of a “specific threat” of attack to the country’s main airport and said travelers “may want to review their plans.”
The warning was one of several recent alarms in restive East Africa, where governments have sought to counter threats, particularly those by the Shabab militant movement based in Somalia.
It was not clear if the Ugandan concerns were linked to the plans, made known by officials in Washington on Wednesday, for tightened passenger screening on many flights to the United States from Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The measures followed intelligence reports of an increased threat from Al Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen.
The embassy did not specify what the threat entailed, but said it had received information from the Uganda Police Force that, according to intelligence sources, “there is a specific threat to Entebbe International Airport,” which serves the capital, Kampala, 25 miles away.
The warning, in a statement on the embassy’s website, said the attack could take place between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. on Thursday.
“U.S. Embassy Kampala wishes to remind U.S. citizens of the continued threat of potential terrorist attacks in the country,” the statement said. “The targets for these attacks could include hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, shopping malls, diplomatic missions, transportation hubs, religious institutions, government offices or public transportation.”
The embassy’s warning followed a separate alert on Wednesday by Uganda’s Civil Aviation Authority, Reuters reported.
Uganda has troops in Somalia fighting the Shabab as part of an African Union force and has been on alert in case that involvement draws reprisals. In 2010, the Shabab claimed responsibility for attacks on bars in Uganda where people had gathered to watch World Cup soccer games. Scores were killed.
Elsewhere in the region, Kenya has blamed the group for attacks that include last year’s bloody assault on the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, which killed at least 67 people.
According to Agence France-Presse, a Ugandan Army spokesman, Paddy Ankunda, said on Thursday that troops had been deployed at the airport and in the capital.
“People must be vigilant in the face of this threat, report any suspicious individuals seen in their areas,” he was quoted as saying, calling on citizens to “stay calm and alert.” News photographs from Kampala showed a line of security personnel in camouflage fatigues carrying assault rifles as they patrolled the city.
In Washington, officials said on Wednesday that heightened security arrangements for planes flying to the United States would be introduced at about 15 foreign airports. The Department of Homeland Security told airlines and overseas governments about the measures, but has not disclosed details publicly.
Secretary Jeh Johnson of the Department of Homeland Security said in a written statement that the measures would be “both seen and unseen” and would evolve as situations warrant.
The move was interpreted as the latest sign that Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, an extremist group based in Yemen, was plotting against a United States-bound airliner. Since 2009, three of its plots using bombs carried by operatives or hidden in cargo have been foiled.

Monday, June 30, 2014


Citizen TV can now report that the U.S and U.K governments have made attempts to have opposition leader Raila Odinga call off Cord planned political rallies.
Sources tell citizen TV that U.S ambassador Robert Godec and the British High Commissioner Dr. Christian Turnner separately called Odinga on Wednesday to express the international community concerns that the rallies were raising political and ethnic tensions in the country.

Sunday, June 29, 2014


NAIROBI  governor Evans Kidero differed with party leader Raila Odinga when he said the mass action planned by the Cord coalition would destabilise the country and scare away investors.
The governor spoke as debate about national dialogue took centre-stage at the weekend, with leaders opposing and supporting calls for Saba Saba mass action in equal measure.
Dr Kidero said he did not support the Cord public rallies either, and appealed to opposition leaders to find another avenue for addressing issues affecting the country.
“We should not be involved in activities that will affect the normal operations of the country,” he said.
Dr Kidero was speaking in Yimbo Village in Bondo during the burial the Mr Martin Okello Awuondo.
But the governor’s remarks were criticised by Kisumu Central MP Ken Obura who maintained that the Cord rallies would continue unless President Uhuru Kenyatta intervened.
Bondo MP Gideon Ochanda also said Parliament was not an avenue for national dialogue since only elected members views were allowed.
Cord, Dr Ochanda maintained, desired a dialogue inclusive of religious leaders, humans rights activist, business community and the public.
But yesterday, TNA secretary-general Onyango Oloo and nominated Senator Joy Gwendo said the National Assembly and the Senate were better placed to handle the issues raised by Cord.
“The National Alliance is not opposed to dialogue; but that dialogue must be done using the institutions within the Constitution,” said Mr Oloo, adding that Cord must not be allowed to take power through the back-door by engaging the Jubilee coalition in a shadowy push for dialogue.
Ms Gwendo, while addressing youth and women leaders in Nyalenda, Kisumu Town at the weekend, also said dialogue must be in Parliament.
“Cord is only using the dialogue call when their agenda is power,” she said.
However, Busia Senator Amos Wako, Governor Sospeter Ojaamong, Funyula MP Paul Otuoma and his Matayos counterpart Geoffrey Odanga, renewed their calls to President Kenyatta to give national dialogue a chance.
Mr Otuoma made a passionate appeal to President Kenyatta not to take a hardline stance and instead embrace the matters put forward by Mr Odinga for the sake of the unity and prosperity of the nation.
“We call on President Kenyatta to extend his hand to Mr Odinga so that we avoid these unnecessary confrontations which may end up dividing the country,” said Mr Otuoma.

Thursday, June 26, 2014


 A Kenyan nun who died two years ago may follow in the footsteps of former Catholic Archbishop Maurice Cardinal Otunga on the road to sainthood if the revelations about her life and activities are anything to go by, The Standard has learnt.
The late Sister Ann Ali, the first born in a family of five — two brothers and three sisters — has shocked many Christians including her mentor Eldoret Catholic Diocese Bishop Cornelius Korir who believes the long process to sainthood could be the only thing standing in the way.
Sister Ali who was born of a Muslim father and a Christian mother hence the name Ali has a heart wrenching story that has baffled many of those who knew her. Her father Ali Abdul Rahimani, a Muslim died on October 20, 1991.
She was a committed Christian, lived a quiet life and close to only a few members of her church in order to keep her life a secret, Bishop Korir told The Standard in his office.
According to information gathered about the late nun, Ali, who became a Christian in the Catholic Church in 1979, used to shed tears of blood, something that shocked those who witnessed it.
She started falling ill while at Kipkelion Primary School in Kericho County, and Koru Girls Secondary School which was run by the Catholic Sisters of Mercy.
Her health continued deteriorating, forcing her to look for healing crusades after all else failed. A story she wrote about herself in one of her books, stated that she attended several prayer crusades without success.
“I had been sick for about seven years. I used to bleed from my fingers and toes. My mother took me to many different hospitals, but I was not cured. From there I heard that there was a healing crusade in Nairobi which was being held by the Catholic Church,” the book reads in part.
It continues: “When it was announced that those who needed to be healed move forward, I prayed first quietly and asked God to heal me. In that process the words of God touched me. I fell down and I was carried to a safe place unconscious, but when I came to myself, I realised that I was not bleeding from my fingers and toes anymore as it used to be.”
But even with the bleeding having been miraculously cured, her troubles did not end there.
In 1990, the devil struck again, and this time her right hand became weak and almost paralysed. Things got so bad she almost missed an Italian language course for sisters in her order between July-August 1991.
Her hope was stretched to the limit, but regular messages from God, she says, kept her strong. She says God told her not to abandon her duties.
“I received messages from God nearly every day telling me to go and ask people to come back and repent because Jesus was crucified on the cross due to our sins, but we have forgotten Him, and even do bad things than before,” she said in the book.
Ali says the Lord told her at the beginning of the apparitions on April 16, 1987, that she should be a servant of love and not hide His glory. She was also instructed to pray for the scandals of the world, glorify the Lord’s name daily and warned not to be afraid of calling His name.
She claimed that she was also instructed not to be worried about the devil’s work, saying the Lord told her that the devil was on the way with a view of tempting her faith and even trouble her.
“I want your life to be a prayer for the church and poor sinners for the many who are suffering as I was suffering,” the book quotes.
She said when she was speaking to the Lord in trance, the message was recorded by a nun identified as Sister Regina Mwamba as well as other people.
The same incident also happened on April 24, 1988 where she revealed that the Lord wanted her to follow her painful path for the good of souls.
However, people who knew her did not believe her when she narrated all three to them.
“I was revealing what God had told me and they didn’t believe but these are the real words from God, ‘Listen to me I am above this earth, I have allowed you and you alone to photograph me for them to know the truth’. I managed to photograph Him but what surprised me is that when I took the full image, it came out a passport size picture of the image of Christ because he did not want people to know what he looks like,” the book continued to reveal.
“These people including close friends did not even believe me with the camera I was using, and they bought for me another new camera which also came out with the same image,” she adds.
There was also another miracle where a photographer in Uganda attempted to take a picture of the sister while attending a seminar there but when he produced the film, the picture of Mary the mother of Jesus appeared in the background holding the holy sacrament. All these pictures are available at the Cathedral church in Eldoret.
Bishop Korir says Sister Ali had a few friends she would consult whenever she was in pain.The process for her sainthood cannot be started until three years elapse, in accordance with Catholic Church doctrine. However, Bishop Korir promised that once the period expires, the diocese will commence the process by setting up a commission  as was the case with the late Cardinal Otunga.
“The lady had shown us several wonderful miracles, which I as a bishop have never seen in my life. Even the cameras she used to photograph the alleged Lord were later blown up after she finished taking the pictures. We did not believe and bought a new one. Surprisingly it was also damaged, according to the technician who attended both of them,” Bishop Korir told The Standard in his Eldoret office.
“We always talked about her following some of the miraculous things she used to say an do. She had a unique character and always gave us hope of life even when she was in pain,” said her mother Priscah Nyambura, adding that she was a role model to her siblings.
Some Catholics who knew her and whom we interviewed said Sister Ali was committed to the church, and the miracles that took place through her baffled many faithful in Eldoret.
Last weekend, Bishop Korir held a memorial service in Burnt Forest at Sister Ali’s convent in Uasin Gishu County to commemorate her life.